Hi! I’m Amo Chumber and I’m a (mainly) Linux Systems Administrator of many (10+) years now. Not very long in the world of web technology but I love what I do, am passionate about the tools and the concepts. I love the community that gives so much and I just want to do my little bit to help others who might be like me:
- I’m not doing anything at scale
- I often have to touch Windows things
- I’m a lone ranger at my employer
If this sounds like anything you can relate to then great! Maybe you’ll find something of use in my (badly infrequent) posts. Maybe not. Maybe I’ll get a smile out of you though and sometimes that’s worth way more!
I love the devops movement and will talk your ears off about it over a beer any time! I once got taught the value of K.I.S.S. and try to live by it all the time. My favourite phrase (inside and outside work) is “No Worries”! And I probably use emojis a lot more than I should… 😂 😁 😍
Outside of software I have a beautiful, supportive wife Meena (my first real love and married to me since 2003) and two headache inducing children! My daughter Shivani is so strong willed I am both proud and worn down! Narayan is my son and a comical joker born to entertain!
When I am not spending time with them I am usually being snobbish about “Craft Beer” and more recently coffee, indulging in food treats at great little eateries or supporting Arsenal Football Club (Football), AFC Jack FC (Sunday League Football) or Mumbai Indians (Cricket).
I’m still a huge gamer and love to watch the Fighting Games Community (FGC) competing in beat-em-up video games at tournaments especially Street Fighter V and also a massive StarCraft 2 fan!